Bargaining Bulletin #22

Members vote yes

on 2022-25 Collective Agreement

Dear members,

Thank you for voting on the 2022-25 Collective Agreement. We are pleased to announce that you have ratified the deal we negotiated. Of the 408 members who voted, we received 403 yes and 5 no votes. 

That means 98.8% of the votes were in favour of ratification. 

The new Agreement will be implemented once the University board of governors and the government have also ratified it.

Watch for a bulletin from us in the new year with an update on the employer’s ratification, as well as details about what the terms of the new agreement mean for you.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best over the holiday break, and look forward to seeing you in 2024! Thank you again for your support and your commitment to making Capilano a great place to work and learn together, in the collegial space protected by our Collective Agreement.

In solidarity, 

Bargaining Committee members Tim Acton, Doug Alards-Tomalin, Eduardo Azmitia, Michael Begg, and FPSE representative Monica Staff


Bargaining Bulletin #23